xbox one x

  • All the Ways You Can Make Use of Your Old PS4 or Xbox One

    All the Ways You Can Make Use of Your Old PS4 or Xbox One

    If you’ve just upgraded to a Sony PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X, or Xbox Series S, you might be wondering whether your existing console is just going to sit in a corner gathering dust. Are you really going to go back to it all that much? If the answer is probably no, then you’ve got a…

  • The Xbox One X: The Gizmodo Review

    The Xbox One X: The Gizmodo Review

    Here’s a fact rarely discussed outside of super nerdy gaming circles. The guts of your video game console actually matter. Once upon a time games were designed to run the same on every console and, in some cases (like the massive multiplayer first person shooter Destiny 2), games are still designed that way. But most…

  • Sea Of Thieves Is Going To Be Easy On Your PC

    Sea Of Thieves Is Going To Be Easy On Your PC

    No, not easy easy. The first hint of Sea of Thieves‘ minimum PC spec has been teased by the devs at Rare, alongside some other nifty goodies for PC and Xbox gamers alike, and it’s surprisingly relaxed — this is not going to be an especially taxing title for your maxed-out gaming rig. You’ll even…