We like Nokia’s Lumia range. We even like Windows Phone, even if we do wish it would get its act together. Unlike Europe, which seems to think that Nokia’s latest Windows-based offerings suck.
Reuters reports that European carriers are coming down hard on Nokia’s Lumia range, claiming that they’re completely dissatisfied with the handsets. The report pinpoints a number of areas the carriers believe to be weak, with price, battery life and customer support appearing to be some of the major concerns.
Combined, those issues mean that European carriers believe Nokia’s new handsets just aren’t as good as the iOS and Android phones they find themselves up against. And there’s one more hitch to add to the list: WinPho. In fact, one executive explained to Reuters:
“If the Lumia with the same hardware came with Android in it and not Windows, it would be much easier to sell.”
It’s a shame that Nokia’s failing to make an impact in its home continent, but it does flag up just how much catching up there is to do — for both the Swedes and Microsoft. [Reuters]