If you think shopping online for clothing was difficult, imagine spending thousands of dollars on a diamond engagement ring without trying it on first. That’s why Brilliance.com, an online jewellery retailer, has started letting customers print their own 3D mockups to try on at home.
The service is less about sizing the ring to someone’s finger — there are plenty of ways to do that already — and more about allowing customers to find the perfect shape, carats and arrangement of diamonds that best suits their hand. Believe it or not, bigger isn’t always better when it comes to diamonds, especially if the engagement ring is to be worn all day long, but trying on different styles usually isn’t possible when shopping online.
Based on your selections, Brilliance will simply send you a 3D electronic file that can be printed on any 3D printer. If you’ve got enough plastic on hand, you can print and try on hundreds of ring styles and diamond sizes until you find the perfect fit. And when you’ve finally made a decision, you can then place your order online.
And since most people don’t have a 3D printer at home, Brilliance will also ship pre-printed 3D plastic samples to users, at no additional charge. To date, 3D printers have been a solution to a problem that’s not exactly clearly defined just yet. But allowing online shoppers to try out mockups of a product at home seems a pretty good case to have one in every home. Especially if you can get a 3D-printed 3D printer sample, to see how it would look on your shelf. [Brilliance.com]