If you have data, you can find a weird and wonderful way to visualise it. Take real-time changes to Wikipedia, something that would normally be presented in a rather dry, analytical form, has been transformed into a live musical performance composed of additions, subtractions and new user registrations.
Constructed by developers Stephen LaPorte and Mahmoud Hashemi and informatively named “Listen to Wikipedia”, the page keeps track of article changes on Wikipedia and reports them in two ways — as a coloured circle and a music note.
Green means the edit was made by an unregistered user, while purple signifies a bot. If you hear a bell, then something was added, and a string pluck denotes a removal. Pitch is influenced by the change’s size. Finally, when a new user signs up to Wikipedia, you’ll hear a swell.
It’s interactive too — clicking on a circle takes you to the revision comparison for that change.
[Listen to Wikipedia, via Reddit]