After acquiring the “Beam” streaming service a year ago, Microsoft rebranded it as “Mixer”, and has now brought it to iOS and Android. The streaming tech already features in Windows 10 and Xbox One, but now you can download an app and send your handheld gaming moments out to the world.
Just like Twitch, you could theoretically use Mixer for streaming anything, but it’s wholeheartedly positioned itself as a games streaming platform. Up to four broadcasters can be on a stream at once, and you can expect all the usual social features like following your favourites and earning virtual happiness points called “Sparks”. (ooooh)
Microsoft chose PAX West to really push Mixer, with these words in a blog post:
Heading to PAX? Going on an adventure? Waiting in line for the latest new game? With Mixer Create you can now go live from anywhere and share your experiences with your community in real-time,” says the blog post.
Check it out here on iOS, and here on Android.