So You Thought This Week’s WandaVision Got Wild? Just Wait

So You Thought This Week’s WandaVision Got Wild? Just Wait

The most recent episode of WandaVision was dynamite. It began to contextualise and answer questions people had in ways only a Marvel Studios show could while making the first three episodes even more crucial to the overall story. And if you think everything so far was good, this next video teases just how much more is coming.

Suffice to say, you should not watch the below video until you’ve seen the fourth episode of WandaVision, because it includes several keys scenes from it. But if you have, you’ll be very interested to see where things may be going from here for the residents of Westview, New Jersey. But for those who have…

So You Thought This Week’s WandaVision Got Wild? Just Wait

So, we have to think Vision can’t exist outside of Westview right? And is that Monica in the fighter jet we see for a second? Who is trying to ram their way into the barrier? Plus, it’s gotta all just be in Wanda’s mind right? And why?

So many questions. So few answers. Five weeks of Wanda left (and Vision, or what’s left of him).

[referenced id=”1668339″ url=”” thumb=”×169.png” title=”WandaVision’s Menacing Signal Is Finally Cutting Through the Noise” excerpt=”After WandaVision’s first three episodes, the series was in the position to make a choice whether to keep on focusing specifically on Wanda and Vision’s suburban bubble reality, or finally shift focus to one of its other characters like Monica Rambeau, whose perspectives might provide some important information about the…”]