Alex Cranz

Senior Consumer Tech Editor. Trained her dog to do fist bumps. Once wrote for Lifetime. Tips encouraged via Secure Drop, Proton Mail, or DM for Signal.

  • Microsoft Nukes Its ebooks Store, And That’s Probably For The Best

    Microsoft Nukes Its ebooks Store, And That’s Probably For The Best

    Big companies like to get bigger, and for many big tech companies these days, the clearest path to growth is increasing how much money generates with content services. That’s why Apple launched a whole slew of them last week, and why Google announced a video game platform the week before. Microsoft too has envisioned itself…

  • How Will Google Overcome Stadia’s Biggest Obstacle?

    How Will Google Overcome Stadia’s Biggest Obstacle?

    The problem with a gaming platform that relies entirely on the internet is that it relies on the internet. Stadia, Google’s new streaming game platform, will require that users have a robust internet connection to work, and that’s a big problem. “It’s what has plagued game streaming from the beginning,” said Pat Moorhead, Principal Analyst…

  • Ray Tracing Is Coming To A Whole Lot Of GPUs

    Ray Tracing Is Coming To A Whole Lot Of GPUs

    If you thought ray tracing was only going to be possible on Nvidia’s pricy line of Turing GPUs you would be wrong. Today the company has announced ray tracing support for a wide range of GPUs ranging from the Nvidia GTX 1060 all the way up to the super beefy Titan V. The 1060 can…