Elizabeth Blackstock

Weekends at Jalopnik. Managing editor at A Girl’s Guide to Cars. Lead IndyCar writer and assistant editor at Frontstretch. Novelist. Motorsport fanatic.
  • The First Mercedes Hit The Road 120 Years Ago

    The First Mercedes Hit The Road 120 Years Ago

    On November 22, 1900, entrepreneur Emil Jellinek took his specially-crafted Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft machine out for a test drive. It was lighter, sleeker, and faster than anything the company had made before, and to honour the occasion, the car was named Mercedes after Jellinek’s daughter.

  • Skoda Knows It’s All About The Little Things

    Skoda Knows It’s All About The Little Things

    When it comes to designing a car, it seems like plenty of manufacturers get so caught up trying to do something Big that they forget that, sometimes, the best changes you can make are the little ones. Skoda has recognised this and, as aa result, kicked off the Simply Clever catalogue of features that are…