YouTube’s Copyright Filter Is Crushing Video Critique — And It’s Getting Worse
In July, Harry “hbomberguy” Brewis shared a video on his popular YouTube channel called “RWBY Is Disappointing, And Here’s Why.” The two-and-half-hour video — a sharp, detailed critique of the cartoon RWBY — was the result of a lot of work by Brewis and his producer, Kat Lo. It also took an extra week and…
How Fantastic Beasts Failed At Representation, And What J.K. Rowling Can Do About It
I come not to bury J.K. Rowling, but to praise her. Harry Potter was an honest to god phenomenon, impacting my generation in roughly the same way Star Wars did for the one before us. The world she created fascinated us and the fandom was deeply invested in the story. But in her rush to…
Star Trek: Discovery Offers An Unsubtle, Messy End To Its Mirror Universe Saga
The thing about Discovery is that it’s good in everything but the writing. So this episode’s extended action sequences and few long expanses of dialogue served to make “What’s Past Is Prologue” one of the most watchable episodes to date.
This Week’s Star Trek: Discovery Was A Great Climax To A Show We Never Got
The midseason finale of Star Trek: Discovery, “Into the Forest I Go”, finally got this show to the place it should have been all season. Of course, in the process, it had to jettison a lot of character development it has been working on – but since it was mostly stuff that was bad, I’m…