
  • This Promising New Tool Can Help Us Find Life On Europa

    This Promising New Tool Can Help Us Find Life On Europa

    If alien life is out there in our solar system, it’s probably very small and very hard to detect, buried deep beneath the surface of an icy moon. But, rejoice alien seekers: A new test developed by scientists at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory could improve our chances of spotting extraterrestrial microbes and ending our cosmic…

  • The CSIRO Is Looking For Aliens, Thanks To Stephen Hawking

    Breakthrough Listen, the 10-year, $100-million astronomical search for intelligent life beyond Earth launched in 2015 by Internet entrepreneur Yuri Milner and Stephen Hawking today announced its first observations using CSIRO’s Parkes radio telescope in New South Wales. Parkes joins two US telescopes, the Green Bank Telescope in West Virginia and the Automated Planet Finder at…

  • This Might Be Our Best Shot At Finding That ‘Alien Megastructure’ 

    This Might Be Our Best Shot At Finding That ‘Alien Megastructure’ 

    Since it was first suggested that the flickering star known as KIC 8462852 might be a Dyson Sphere, telescope-toting astronomers associated with the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) have been scouring the system for signs of aliens. Now, the most well-funded SETI program on Earth — UC Berkeley’s Breakthrough Listen — is getting in on…