
  • How Your Microwave Actually Works

    How Your Microwave Actually Works

    Whatever energy you spend fussing with your microwave, testing out different power levels and durations, is wasted. It’s about time you knew that. Because, despite all your efforts, your food can only come out one of two ways: ice-cold or mouth-singeing. That’s just science. [The Doghouse Diaries]

  • Compact Folding Grill Transforms Into A Spacious Buffet

    Compact Folding Grill Transforms Into A Spacious Buffet

    With everyone liking to think of themselves as amateur chefs these days, there’s no shame in having dinner guests participate in the meal preparation. And thanks to its folding design that lets it expand into a long grilling station, Trisa’s new Vario gives everyone at the table ample real estate for prepping their food the…