Arctic Sea Ice Is Melting Way Faster Than Previously Thought, Study Finds
The Arctic Circle could lose its summer sea ice a whole decade earlier than previously projected by scientists. It’s yet another sign that the climate crisis is affecting our global systems faster than researchers had understood before.
Get Santa a Raincoat: The New Arctic Is Wetter and Warmer
Climate change is rapidly transforming the Arctic into an almost unrecognizable new region, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s annual Arctic Report Card has found.
Polar Bears and Brown Bears Have an Ancient, Intimate Relationship, Scientists Say
Researchers have extracted DNA from a 115,000-year-old polar bear jawbone and used it to analyse the genetic relationship between these Arctic predators and their brown bear cousins (grizzlies included). They found that polar bears intermixed with brown bears quite a bit over the millennia.
We’re Turning the Arctic Into a Trash Dump
Piles of new trash on Arctic shores, rain in unprecedented places, noises from ships disrupting wildlife: Human influence has made the Arctic unrecognizable from what it looked like even just a decade ago. That’s the verdict of the new Arctic Report Card, which scientists presented on Tuesday.