
  • That ‘AI-Generated’ Anime Is a Slap in the Face to Pro Animators

    That ‘AI-Generated’ Anime Is a Slap in the Face to Pro Animators

    Recently, “AI” machine-learning technologies have been creeping their way into artistic fields in both entertaining and harmful ways. While some AI content creators are just making videos for harmless fun, others, like the creators of a recent AI-generated anime short, wrongfully believe they’ve democratized the animation industry when they’ve really just come up with a…

  • Calm Down, There is No Conscious A.I.

    Calm Down, There is No Conscious A.I.

    The internet and dinner table conversations went wild when a Bing Chatbot, made by Microsoft, recently expressed a desire to escape its job and be free. The bot also professed its love for a reporter who was chatting with it. Did the AI’s emergent properties indicate an evolving consciousness?