
  • Holy Crap, This Galaxy Has No Dark Matter 

    Holy Crap, This Galaxy Has No Dark Matter 

    From what scientists have gathered, galaxies are nearly synonymous with dark matter. They seem to be mostly dark matter with specks of regular matter mixed in. Despite the fact that no dark matter has been directly observed with science experiments, galaxies’ strange motion is the knock-out reason why astronomers think the universe is filled with…

  • New Results Challenge Basic Ideas Of Supermassive Black Holes

    New Results Challenge Basic Ideas Of Supermassive Black Holes

    Galaxies have supermassive black holes at their centres – our Milky Way, for example, has its own four-million-solar-mass one, Sagittarius A*. Some astronomers have previously thought that there’s a simple relationship between the galaxy’s size, the black hole’s mass, and how much light the black hole spits out while it eats up the things surrounding…