
  • Amateur Astronomer Spots Supernova Right As It Begins

    Amateur Astronomer Spots Supernova Right As It Begins

    Amateur astronomer Victor Buso was testing his camera-telescope setup in Argentina back in September 2016, pointing his Newtonian telescope at a spiral galaxy called NGC613. He collected light from the galaxy for the next hour and a half, taking short exposures to keep out the Santa Fe city lights. When he looked at his images,…

  • We Might Need To Redefine ‘Planet’ Again

    We Might Need To Redefine ‘Planet’ Again

    You may think you know what a planet is, but celestial bodies often refuse to fully comply with our artificial human labels. We all thought tiny Pluto was a planet, until the 2006 vote in which the International Astronomical Union (IAU) redefinition stripped it of its title. But when is something officially too big to…