autonomous cars

  • The US Is About To Waste $305 Billion On Roads It Doesn’t Need

    The US Is About To Waste $305 Billion On Roads It Doesn’t Need

    A big infrastructure bill finally passed the US House this week, pushing $US305 billion over five years to transit and highway projects. In the same week, Uber raised another $US2.1 billion, bringing its total valuation to $US62.5 billion — roughly the same amount the new bill spends on infrastructure each year.

  • That Apple Car May Be Further Along Than We Thought

    That Apple Car May Be Further Along Than We Thought

    Apple seems to want a little piece of everything that could possibly be considered “technology,” and its most ambitious undertaking is its rumoured autonomous vehicle — the Apple Car. And now, according to a report from The Guardian, the Apple auto hearsay is becoming more fact than fiction.