
  • Watch: Preview 15 Minutes Of ‘Game Of Thrones’ Season 4!

    HBO aired a special 15 minute preview for Game of Thrones Season 4 last night and it’s now up on YouTube to whet your appetite for dragons, swords, thrones, fantastic looking people, armour, dresses, politics, lengthy diatribes and general awesomeness. But as fun as it is to see a little bit of Game of Thrones…

  • Badass Spider Uses Insect Corpses To Make A Giant Spider Design Decoy

    Badass Spider Uses Insect Corpses To Make A Giant Spider Design Decoy

    Like in Game of Thrones, where the Iron Throne was forged from the swords of all the enemies Aegon the Conqueror defeated, this Cyclosa spider uses its dead enemies’ bodies to build a big fake spider decoy design to sit on. Seriously, the spider uses its victim’s insect corpses to construct a larger spider-shaped design…