
  • A Crypto Community ‘Cancels’ One of Its Own

    A Crypto Community ‘Cancels’ One of Its Own

    For years, crypto stans have maintained that the blockchain is a powerful tool to fight censorship. You can find any number of op-eds arguing that the immutable nature of the ledger protects free speech, and, relevantly, Bitcoin bros have often deemed it a haven from political correctness — a place where “cancel culture” does not…

  • You Can Now Buy ‘Non-Fungible Animals,’ And I Hate It

    You Can Now Buy ‘Non-Fungible Animals,’ And I Hate It

    Got a bunch of cryptocurrency burning a hole in your digital wallet and want to own a piece of the wild? You’re in luck. The World Wildlife Fund UK announced this week that they will sell NFTs in the form of digital art of 13 endangered species, which they’re calling “non-fungible animals,” or NFAs. Thanks!…

  • Finally Acknowledges $47 Million Stolen by Hackers Finally Acknowledges $47 Million Stolen by Hackers

    Trading platform lost about $US34 (A$47) million worth of cryptocurrency in a hack on Monday, according to a new blog post by the company published overnight. The company had previously declined to say much about the hack, which forced users to stop withdrawals for most of the day, and only reassured customers they wouldn’t…