
  • Canon PowerShot N: The Future Of Tiny Cameras Is Touchscreen Squares?

    Canon PowerShot N: The Future Of Tiny Cameras Is Touchscreen Squares?

    The new Canon PowerShot N includes a lot of the features that Canon (and other companies) been adding to tiny point-and-shoots over the years, like Wi-Fi connectivity and touchscreen controls. What makes it new and refreshing — at least aesthetically — is the new square design. It’s noticeably different, but does that make it better?

  • The 10 Most Important Cameras Of 2012

    The 10 Most Important Cameras Of 2012

    This was a banner year for photo gear. We saw some of the most-anticipated camera refreshes in years (a new 5D, finally!) not to mention some groundbreaking technologies (that weird little Lytro!). Here’s a rundown of the year’s 10 hottest cameras.

  • Canon S110 Review: The Best Camera You Can Fit In Your Pocket

    Canon S110 Review: The Best Camera You Can Fit In Your Pocket

    The Canon S110 is the most refined little pocket camera Canon has ever made. The core design of the S110 remains unchanged from previous iterations. But with a little streamlining and some key new features, it’s inched one step closer to perfection. Are you looking for the highest quality possible in a small point-and-shoot? Check…