
  • What Would It Take To Shut Down The Entire Internet?

    What Would It Take To Shut Down The Entire Internet?

    Not too long ago, we here at Giz Asks contemplated what might happen if the entire internet shut down at once. One imaginative stumbling block, in playing out the implications of that scenario, was how something like that could happen in the first place. And so — without advocating any of the methods described below,…

  • Find The Best Available Public Wi-Fi Using This App

    Find The Best Available Public Wi-Fi Using This App

    When you’re travelling, a stable Wi-Fi connection can be the difference between life and death. It’s so important, many of us would likely choose a coffee shop based on the quality of its internet connection rather than the quality of the drinks. But finding public Wi-Fi spots on your travels can be tricky. That’s where…