
  • This Is How Much San Franciscans Hate Burning Man Now

    This Is How Much San Franciscans Hate Burning Man Now

    Every year, San Francisco empties out during Burning Man week. Suddenly there are no lines at the cargo container ice cream shop. Nobody is wearing an “interesting” hat to make a statement about self-actualisation. We are at peace. That’s why a group of comedians are crowdsourcing a Great Wall of San Francisco.

  • 6 Horrible And Doomed Space Missions, Brought To You By Crowdfunding 

    6 Horrible And Doomed Space Missions, Brought To You By Crowdfunding 

    Government funding for space travel ain’t what it used to be. Private organisations are our best hope for exploring beyond Earth’s increasingly noxious atmosphere, and to get your cash they’re turning to Indiegogo and Kickstarter to fund ambitious space missions. Unfortunately, most of the projects are bonkers messes doomed to fail.