
  • The Burning Questions We Have After Daredevil Season Two

    The Burning Questions We Have After Daredevil Season Two

    Daredevil‘s second season is finally out, and at this point, a lot of people have powered through 13 hours of vigilante television. But the sophomore season throws up a lot more questions than it really answers. Here’s just a few of the questions racking our brains — and what they might mean for the show’s…

  • The R-Rated Daredevil Film That Almost Was

    The R-Rated Daredevil Film That Almost Was

    The Devil of Hell’s Kitchen is currently rocking Netflix following the release of Daredevil season two this past weekend. But before Marvel got the rights back to Matt Murdock, Fox staged a last-gasp attempt to revive the character following their disastrous 2003 film… and featured an R-rated superhero long before Deadpool.