
  • 86 Viral Images From 2014 That Were Totally Fake

    86 Viral Images From 2014 That Were Totally Fake

    We debunked a lot of fake viral photos this year. Eighty-six, to be exact. And that doesn’t even include all those fake toilet photos from the Sochi Olympics, those fake Ebola cures, and all the lies that UberFacts helped spread. It was a busy year for fakes.

  • 6 Fake Ebola Cures Being Peddled Online

    6 Fake Ebola Cures Being Peddled Online

    Throughout history, hucksters have emerged to sell bullshit “cures” for diseases to fearful people. Today these frauds make their home on the internet. And they’re selling bullshit cures for Ebola. There is no known cure — or vaccine — for Ebola, but that’s not stopping shameless profiteers from exploiting the panic over this deadly virus.