
  • Soon, You’ll Be Able To Build Your Own Moto 360 Smartwatch

    Soon, You’ll Be Able To Build Your Own Moto 360 Smartwatch

    People want their smartwatches to be fashion statements. And some have gone to extreme measures — including one enterprising, sandpaper-equipped individual — to make them uniquely their own. Now, Motorola is making it way easier to build your own Moto 360 smartwatch — no sandpaper required.

  • Watching An Umbrella Get Hand Made Is Captivating

    Watching An Umbrella Get Hand Made Is Captivating

    There’s a bit of a chicken or the egg thing for me when it comes to umbrellas. I never spend too much money on umbrellas because they always break. Or do they break because I never spend too much money on them? After watching this titillating video of a beautiful umbrella being made, I think…