
  • Clubhouse Is Losing Steam

    Clubhouse Is Losing Steam

    Clubhouse — the company that was making headlines just a few months back for drawing major celebrities (and Elon Musk) — seems to have reached a tipping point. In April, the app reached a grand total of 922,000 downloads, new research found, a sharp downturn after bringing in millions of new users just a month…

  • 12 Things You Didn’t Know You Could Do on Your Chromebook

    12 Things You Didn’t Know You Could Do on Your Chromebook

    Chromebooks continue to find success as affordable, simple, cloud-based laptops. Chrome OS isn’t as complex as Windows or macOS, but sometimes less is more (especially when you’re saving money). If you have a Chromebook of your own, these are some of the most useful features you need to make yourself aware of.

  • Gaze Upon My Browser Extensions and Despair

    Gaze Upon My Browser Extensions and Despair

    They’re not what any of us would call “intimate,” but you can really tell a lot about a person from a quick glance at the browser extensions they use. Is your boyfriend’s browser decorated with favicons from Evernote, Trello, and literally nothing else? He’s either a type-A perfectionist or zen to a fault. Is your…