global warming

  • A Vast Australian Underwater Forest Is Roasting To Death

    A Vast Australian Underwater Forest Is Roasting To Death

    One of the largest kelp forests on Earth is dying because of climate change. Australia’s Great Southern Reef has lost 100km of coastline to a series of extreme heatwaves from 2011 to 2013, according to research published this week in Science — and the problem is getting worse.

  • Six Signs That We’ve Entered A New Geologic Age

    Six Signs That We’ve Entered A New Geologic Age

    We’ve heard a lot of buzz recently about the Anthropocene, the geologic epoch of man and machine. Does it exist? Are we in it right now? Later this summer, the International Stratigraphic Union will convene and attempt to answer these weighty questions.

  • The Last Place On Earth To Feel Global Warming

    The Last Place On Earth To Feel Global Warming

    It’s an observation repeated loud and often by climate deniers: while Greenland melts like a popsicle in the summer sun, Antarctica is staying chill. Parts of the coastline are actually gaining sea ice. According to a new scientific paper, there’s no conspiracy to be found here, but rather, a manifestation of global ocean currents. In…