
  • Memory Rug Puts A PC’s Guts On Your Floor

    Memory Rug Puts A PC’s Guts On Your Floor

    Had the Persian Empire had access to modern electronics, its famous woven rug designs might have ended up looking more like Lukas Scherrer’s Memory Rug. Made from multiple layers of felt so it’s more comfortable under foot than silicon and solder, the rug is adorned with a pattern of chips, conductors and other shapes you’ll…

  • The ABCs Of A Camera’s Guts

    The ABCs Of A Camera’s Guts

    What’s lovely about this alphabet made from camera parts by London graphic design student Stefan Abrahams is that it organises a camera’s beautiful internals as carefully as one should frame a picture. Each letter has a camera part, you can see the viewfinder as ‘D’ and the shutter curtain as ‘R’.