
  • Benchmarks Are In: Nvidia’s Tegra 4 Really Cooks

    Benchmarks Are In: Nvidia’s Tegra 4 Really Cooks

    When Nvida announced the Tegra 4 back at the Consumer Electronics Show, they laid down the claim it was the world’s fastest mobile processor. Now, at Mobile World Congress, the benchmarks are coming in and there’s no questioning it. The Tegra 4 is a total speed demon.

  • Meet The PS4’s Blazing AMD Guts

    Meet The PS4’s Blazing AMD Guts

    We don’t know squat about what the PS4 will look like since it didn’t make an appearance at Sony’s two-hour long press event yesterday, but we’ve learned a lot about what it will be like when it finally shows up. And now we know it’s going to have AMD innards.