This Super Mario Bros. Movie Racer Puts a Snazzy Spin on the Iconic Mario Kart
At this weekend’s WonderCon 2023, JAKKS Pacific will host a panel to reveal its line for The Super Mario Bros. Movie. Gizmodo got an exclusive sneak peek of the iconic Mario Kart, inspired by Nintendo and Illumination’s new animated adaptation, which will be part of JAKKS Pacific’s 2023 toy and collectible releases.
This Week’s Toy News Trembles Before the Gaze of Teeny Skeletor
Welcome back to Toy Aisle, Gizmodo’s regular round up of the coolest toys and merchandise on the internet. This week, Fisher-Price sets its teeny tiny little people hands on some pop culture crossovers, and Sentinel’s Iron Man inspired figure line gets mischievous. Check it out!