machine learning

  • New AI System Makes CAPTCHAs Even More Vulnerable To Hacks

    New AI System Makes CAPTCHAs Even More Vulnerable To Hacks

    Computer scientists have developed an artificially intelligent system that’s an improvement over existing techniques used to crack CAPTCHAs, those super-annoying prompts that check to see whether you’re a human or a bot. For security experts, it means that existing CAPTCHA-based systems may soon be obsolete – if they aren’t already.

  • Deals: Have An iOS Machine Learning Masterclass for $12

    Tech’s best and brightest never stop refining their skills, and with iOS 11 building buzz in the industry, you can be sure these experts are scrambling to master its ins-and-outs. So, if you’re looking to stay ahead of the curve, investing in the Complete iOS 11 Machine Learning Masterclass is a smart move — especially…