
  • Watch A US $50 Note Get Rubbed Off To Reveal A $10 Note

    Watch A US $50 Note Get Rubbed Off To Reveal A $10 Note

    If all the numbers say it’s a 50 dollar note and it feels like a 50 dollar Note… it still might not be a 50 dollar note. This counterfeit $US50 is actually hiding its true self: a 10 dollar bill. And it’s doing a good job too! Since it’s likely that most people’s over trusting…

  • The Worst PayPal Horror Stories

    The Worst PayPal Horror Stories

    Yesterday, PayPal agreed to pay customers $US15 million for ripping them off over the past few years. After I wrote about it, reader horror stories started flooding my inbox and comments.

  • Neat Animation Shows What European Coins Looked Like Before The Euro

    Neat Animation Shows What European Coins Looked Like Before The Euro

    The German mark. Lithuanian litas. Estonian kroon. Irish pound. Slovenian tolar. Portuguese escudo. Greek drachma. Slovak koruna. Maltese lira. Finnish markka. Dutch guilder. Spanish peseta. Luxembourgish franc. Belgian franc. Italian lira. Cypriot pound. Austrian schilling. French franc. Latvian lats. All got replaced by the euro.

  • Video Explainer: How Banks Took A Good Simple Idea And Turned It Evil

    Video Explainer: How Banks Took A Good Simple Idea And Turned It Evil

    Video: Kurz Gesagt’s latest video explainer points his easily understood animation gun towards the evilness of banks and how they have transformed over time from a simple idea (helping people trade goods) into what they are now (big behemoth bullies who make money for themselves). It’s not all bad though, Gesagt also shows how things…