
  • How Much Money Would It Cost To Be Captain America?

    How Much Money Would It Cost To Be Captain America?

    Want to be an All-American superhero with a heart of gold? You only need a little over 54 million bucks, a time travelling device to send you back to the 1940s, a good vibranium source and a healthy budget for food. Movieclips Trailers analysed the total cost of being Captain America and after accounting for…

  • How To Make The World’s Most Expensive Cup Of Coffee

    How To Make The World’s Most Expensive Cup Of Coffee

    According to a 2013 survey, over 83 per cent of Americans drink coffee in the morning and the average citizen drinks multiple cups per day. Between the dark brew, the flavoured lattes, the frozen caffeinated treats, and the whirling gadgets, coffee is now a 30 billion dollar industry. Coffee is big business and companies like…