non fungibletoken

  • Judge Rules Those Fake Bored Ape NFTs Broke BAYC’s Trademark

    Judge Rules Those Fake Bored Ape NFTs Broke BAYC’s Trademark

    Just because NFTs have lost much of their mainstream appeal, doesn’t mean the token creators are done fighting tooth and nail for the last scraps of past boom times. Late last week, a California judge decreed that those silly, derivative, and disturbing Bored Ape Yacht Club non-fungible tokens have trademark protection. Unfortunately for quite a…

  • Who Is This for: Tiffany’s Made $AU71,285 IRL NFT Necklaces

    Who Is This for: Tiffany’s Made $AU71,285 IRL NFT Necklaces

    It seems like it was just yesterday when NFT proponents were busy trying to justify spending buckets of money on digital collectibles — and spewing tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere of our struggling planet — that could largely be seen for free online. But what if everyone could admire your outrageously priced CryptoPunk…