
  • The NBN: Why It’s Slow, Expensive And Obsolete

    The Abbott Coalition government came to power two years ago this week with a promise to change Labor’s fibre to the premises (FTTP) National Broadband Network (NBN) to one using less-expensive fibre-to-the-node (FTTN) technologies, spruiking its network with the three-word slogan: “Fast. Affordable. Sooner.”

  • The Ashley Madison Hackers Break Their Silence

    The Ashley Madison Hackers Break Their Silence

    The hackers who stole countless gigabytes of Ashley Madison user data finally spoke up. In an interview with Motherboard, the Impact Team said that “Nobody was watching” when they broke into Ashley Madison’s servers repeatedly over the past few years. “[We] got in and found nothing to bypass,” said one of the hackers.