
  • The Bizarre History Of X-Ray Records And Early Music Piracy

    The Bizarre History Of X-Ray Records And Early Music Piracy

    Thanks to the internet’s amazing capacity for self-recycling, articles about Soviet pirate recordings made of X-rays pop up frequently in my feeds. These popular, widely-shared posts explain how, in the 1950s and ’60s, music fans in the Soviet Union fabricated bootlegged recordings of banned western music — and they used old X-rays to do it.…

  • Why Presto’s Price Cut Won’t Stop Aussies Using Netflix

    “Foxtel’s Presto Movie Streaming Service Is Now Cheaper Than Netflix“. That was the headline from Gizmodo’s own Campbell Simpson in the wee hours of this morning. Foxtel is finally taking the fight to Netflix on price, but it still won’t get online content lovers away from Netflix and onto the Presto service. Here’s why.