Vapes and E-cigs Are Creating a New Waste Pandemic
Vaping, or using electronic cigarettes, not only pollutes the surrounding air, it also creates a new contaminated e-waste stream. Australian waste management authorities are just beginning to tackle this problem, as schools’ stockpiles of confiscated vapes continue to grow. As researchers of issues to do with the so-called circular economy, we take a keen interest…
Teen Has Mouth Wired Shut After Vape Explodes, Fracturing His Jaw And Knocking Out Teeth
Vaping may or may not be healthier than smoking conventional cigarettes, but a recent incident involving a teenage boy, in which an exploding e-cigarette blew out several of his teeth and cracked open his jaw, is a serious cause for concern.
Fire Chief ‘Bewildered’ After Mysterious Incident At E-Cigarette Plant Left 29 Sick
Nearly 30 workers at an e-cigarette plant in Salem, Massachusetts were hospitalised following a mysterious incident.
E-Cigarettes Might Be As Bad As The Real Thing
I hate that I have to do this. But here goes.