Our First Look at Rahul Kohli’s Midnight Club Netflix Character Is Here, and: Daddy

Our First Look at Rahul Kohli’s Midnight Club Netflix Character Is Here, and: Daddy

Do we know much about Mike Flanagan’s newest television show, The Midnight Club? Not really. The synopsis provided by Netflix reads, “At a hospice for terminally ill young adults, eight patients come together every night at midnight to tell each other stories — and make a pact that the next of them to die will give the group a sign from the beyond.”

But what we do know is that Flanagan has, once again, hired Rahul Kohli to play a part, and we couldn’t be more grateful. Collider had the first look at his appearance in the show; the image was also tweeted out by Netflix:

This blog brought to you in part by the fact that Kohli is doing some excellent genre work, has a fantastic face, and also because of the five-minute rule on the Gizmodo Slack, which is, informally, if you spend more than five minutes talking about a nerdy thing, you must blog about the nerdy thing. So here we are. What can I say. It’s Friday.

Kohli has been in a lot of Flanagan’s recent works. He starred in the ghost story The Haunting of Bly Manor, the vampire/religious horror Midnight Mass (which turned me into a babbling idiot for weeks, I could do nothing but scream about Midnight Mass to friends), and the upcoming The Fall of the House of Usher. All three have been produced and distributed (or will be distributed) by Netflix, which means that we have a pretty strongly established MFCU (Mike Flanagan Cinematic Universe). Flanagan often hires a familiar slate of actors for his projects, and I, for one, could not be more grateful that Mr. Kohli gets a chance to perfect his stoic/scared/but will still take no shit expression, as it’s very attractive.

I think that I initially descended into the first ring of obsession with Kohli in about October 2021, coinciding with the release of Midnight Mass. A quick reality check with some friends on Discord confirms this. In between Squid Game and Flanagan’s vampire revelation, there appeared a slew of attractive police on Netflix shows, which I affectionally called “hot copaganda.” Let it be known that I am not immune to propaganda.

Just to prove my point, let me pull up a picture of Kohli from Midnight Mass. Unanimously attractive.

Image: Netflix
Image: Netflix

And secondly, just to prove that the MFCU is doing wonders for my skin/crops/thirst, here he is as the pun-loving chef in The Haunting of Bly Manor. I think we can all agree: hot.

Image: Netflix
Image: Netflix

Thank you for coming to my TED talk. Please consider this an extension of my previous iteration of Men That I Appreciate column, which was about Harvey Guillén/Guillermo del la Cruz.

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