
  • 10 Movies That Had Embarrassingly Bad Special Effects Scenes

    10 Movies That Had Embarrassingly Bad Special Effects Scenes

    Video: When you go see a big blockbuster movie that’s been heavily done over in CG, you’re not exactly expecting reality. But you also don’t want to see huge visual effect gaffes that make you laugh at the ridiculousness of it either. Whether it’s bad practical effects like the dummy in The Fugitive or if…

  • Why CGI Doesn’t Actually Suck

    Why CGI Doesn’t Actually Suck

    It’s popular to poke fun of CG and whine about the overuse of CG special effects in movies and wish for the old days when everything was done with practical effects but that’s not really the case. What’s great about good CG is that it’s totally unnoticeable, so many movies implement CG that you don’t…

  • Video Breaks Down Why Special Effects In Movies Peaked In The ’90s

    Video Breaks Down Why Special Effects In Movies Peaked In The ’90s

    Video: Here’s an interesting video explainer that details why special effects and fancy CGI has ruined movies (or at least, made them less enjoyable). It all feels too fake! Story Brain breaks down how as technology for CGI improved and allowed movie makers to do more with visual effects, our brains interpret it negatively.