
  • How to Make Carbon Capture Way More Efficient

    How to Make Carbon Capture Way More Efficient

    Scientists agree that we’re going to need to build machines to suck carbon from the sky to stave off the worst impacts of climate change — but there are a lot of challenges for this new industry in the coming decades, including figuring out how to make the technology more effective. A discovery from a…

  • Experimental Vaccine Blocks Fentanyl From Rats’ Brains

    Experimental Vaccine Blocks Fentanyl From Rats’ Brains

    The ongoing opioid crisis in the U.S. has shortened life expectancy and caused untold suffering. The synthetic drug fentanyl has been particularly devastating, because it’s so potent compared to other opioids. New research in rats may offer a glimmer of hope, however: Scientists found that an experimental vaccine can prevent the behavioural and physiological effects…