
  • Launching A Rocket Underneath Ice Is Always Shatteringly Great

    Launching A Rocket Underneath Ice Is Always Shatteringly Great

    Video: I wouldn’t exactly advise everyone to try this when winter comes along again but I’d definitely say that launching a rocket underneath an icy lake is a very not bad way to spend like the forty seventh cold and boring winter day. It’s a little more spectacular than throwing boiling water in the air…

  • Fast And Furious 7 Actually Dropped Cars From A C-130 Plane

    Fast And Furious 7 Actually Dropped Cars From A C-130 Plane

    Video: The Fast & Furious movie franchise is consistently the most fun anyone can have in a movie theatre because the stuff they do is completely ridiculous and borderline insane. Like do you remember that scene from the Furious 7 trailer where they dropped cars from an aeroplane? That wasn’t CGI, that actually happened.