past perfect

  • Making Designer Babies Was Supposed To Be Just Like Shopping For Seeds

    Making Designer Babies Was Supposed To Be Just Like Shopping For Seeds

    Fears over “designer babies” were common long before we understood the science of genetics well enough to actually produce them. For many, the idea of predetermining a child’s eye colour or trying to influence their intelligence or athletic prowess through genetics is the very definition of dystopia. It probably doesn’t help that we once equated…

  • How The US Barely Beat Soviet Russia To Inventing The Laser

    How The US Barely Beat Soviet Russia To Inventing The Laser

    Russians were pioneers in the development of lasers, today a multi-billion dollar industry. Two of them, Alexander Prokhorov and Nikolai Basov, won the Nobel Prize in 1964, along with the American Charles Townes, for the invention of lasers and masers. Even much earlier, in the nineteen thirties and forties the Russian scientist Valentin Fabrikant laid…

  • What’s Your First Tech Memory?

    What’s Your First Tech Memory?

    The first tech I interacted with consisted of a Panasonic cassette player and that TV. What was sitting in your family’s living room or your grandma’s basement when you were little? Journey back to your earliest tech interactions and reminisce and let us know!