The Federal opposition has been huffing and puffing about the NBN since they lost the election (well, since two out of three independent MPs decided it was worth siding with Labor for), with Tony Abbott going so far as to say that they would undo the work of NBN Co should they come into power next election. Yesterday, Coalition treasurer Joe Hockey admitted that they may not be able to do that after all.
The Labor government has known that the Libs are doing everything in their power to disrupt the NBN with the intention of cancelling it should they come back into power, so they’ve done everything in their power to make sure that’s not possible. Yesterday, Hockey confessed that the Libs may not be able to demolish the network, depending on the contracts that the current government have signed and in place for the NBN rollout.
”It does depend on the timing of the election, because only then will we know whether contracts have been signed, the form of those contracts and what costs involved of unwinding some of the contracts are.”
Make no mistake though – if the coalition can’t cancel the network and it does get completed under their leadership, they’ll do everything they can to take credit for it…