All Things Internet: The Big Players & The Issues

The world has grown increasingly connected over the past few decades and a huge chunk of our lives are online. We cover the companies you care about: YouTube, Google, Amazon, and the issues you care about: NBN, IoT, social media, privacy and security.

  • Daemon Targaryen, Westeros’ John Wick

    Daemon Targaryen, Westeros’ John Wick

    House of the Dragon, following in the footsteps and long shadow of its predecessor, wasted no time in giving itself a meaty battle scene this week. But its first major skirmish marked a noted difference — beneath the blood and guts, a sort of grimly hilarious mythos plays out.

  • Doomsday Glacier Is ‘Holding on… by Its Fingernails’

    Doomsday Glacier Is ‘Holding on… by Its Fingernails’

    The Thwaites Glacier, one of the most unstable parts of Antarctica’s ice sheet, could be gearing up for even more rapid changes than we previously thought. In a study published this week in Nature Geoscience, a team of researchers have published new images of the ocean’s floor that they say provide valuable information about how the…