
  • ATLAS Is Getting Faster And Faster At Simple Human Tasks

    ATLAS Is Getting Faster And Faster At Simple Human Tasks

    Oh, sure, we all pointed and laughed at ATLAS when it was first revealed, stumbling over simple obstacles. But it was because deep down we all knew that, like our original iPods, it would quickly evolve into something far more capable. And, here we are, just over a year later, and ATLAS is already tackling…

  • DARPA’s ATLAS Humanoid Can Officially Replace Humanity

    DARPA’s ATLAS Humanoid Can Officially Replace Humanity

    As we creep closer to the Robotics Challenge officially getting under way, Boston Dynamics gives us another glimpse of its DARPA-funded ATLAS robot being tested in the lab. This time we get to see the unsettling peek at our future carefully tip-toeing its away across a rock-strewn simulated debris field, with surprising ease and balance.