
  • Why Ghostbusters Is Such An Awesome Architectural Film

    Why Ghostbusters Is Such An Awesome Architectural Film

    The sad news that actor, screenwriter, and director Harold Ramis passed away yesterday has unsurprisingly resulted in a wave of cinematic nostalgia, with #ghostbusters trending globally on Twitter and seemingly everyone, at least in this office, talking about films such as Groundhog Day, Caddyshack, and National Lampoon’s Vacation.

  • The Original Robocop Was A Christ Allegory

    The Original Robocop Was A Christ Allegory

    The original Robocop, released in 1987 and directed by Paul Verhoeven, was not only one of the best science fiction films of the last three decades — “a brilliant comedy operating in the guise of an ultraviolent action movie,” as Tom Scocca described it on Gawker — it was also a Christian allegory. At least…

  • How LED Streetlights Will Change Cinema (And Make Cities Look Awesome)

    How LED Streetlights Will Change Cinema (And Make Cities Look Awesome)

    The announcement last year that Los Angeles would be replacing its high-pressure sodium streetlights — known for their distinctive yellow hue — with new, blue-tinted LEDs might have a profound effect on at least one local industry. All of those LEDs, with their new urban colour scheme, will dramatically change how the city appears on…