how 2

  • How To Find Your Missing Phone

    How To Find Your Missing Phone

    Oh boy, now you’ve done it. Not only are you supremely hungover from last night’s rager, but your phone is nowhere to be found. Could you have left it at the bar, in a taxi, in the gutter somewhere? Who knows! But don’t panic, there’s a host of apps that do. Here’s how to find…

  • How To Take Care Of Your Smartphone Battery The Right Way

    How To Take Care Of Your Smartphone Battery The Right Way

    Your smartphone is a minor miracle, a pocket-sized computer that can fulfil almost every whim. But none of its superpowers matter a bit if it runs out of juice. With removable batteries becoming more and more rare, you’ve got to take good care of the one you got. Fortunately, it’s not to hard keep the…