
  • All 5 Piranha Movies, Ranked

    All 5 Piranha Movies, Ranked

    Jaws is the original “stay the hell out of the water” summer flick, but you really can’t count the Piranha series out in terms of cautionary tales about never going swimming again. Piranhas may be much smaller than great whites, but they’re fast, they travel in packs, they have tremendous teeth, and they love human…

  • Rick and Morty’s Season 5 Trailer Raises a Little Hell

    Rick and Morty’s Season 5 Trailer Raises a Little Hell

    Fans of Rick and Morty know that part of loving the show is being patient enough to wait agonizing years between seasons. But with the Adult Swim series’ epic renewal back in 2018, production is now on what appears to be a more consistent schedule. What does that mean? Season five arrives in June and…