land transport

  • These Are The Best Car Shows You Can Watch Right Now

    These Are The Best Car Shows You Can Watch Right Now

    I don’t really watch too many car shows now. That’s not to say I don’t watch them at all. But some of them try too hard to be more about entertainment and less about cars. Especially a lot of the YouTube channels. They can border on cringe. One show I have always enjoyed though was…

  • High-Speed Ford F-150 Crash Shows How Strong Cars Are Today

    High-Speed Ford F-150 Crash Shows How Strong Cars Are Today

    I’m not sure how, but ridiculous car crashes keep landing on my desk this week. This one isn’t an awesome save by emergency services or a Tesla ratting its driver out to the cops. Instead, we have a Canadian charged with impaired driving walking away from a destructive crash and leaving the remains of their…