
  • Daemon Targaryen, Westeros’ John Wick

    Daemon Targaryen, Westeros’ John Wick

    House of the Dragon, following in the footsteps and long shadow of its predecessor, wasted no time in giving itself a meaty battle scene this week. But its first major skirmish marked a noted difference — beneath the blood and guts, a sort of grimly hilarious mythos plays out.

  • In House of the Dragon, It’s Bad to Be the King

    In House of the Dragon, It’s Bad to Be the King

    Viserys Targaryen (Paddy Considine) is the first truly good man we’ve seen sit on the Iron Throne. After eight seasons of Game of Thrones and Robert Baratheon, Joffrey, Cersei, and Daenerys, it’s genuinely weird to see someone ruling Westeros who cares about something more than power or sating their desires. Unfortunately, there’s a difference between…