
  • This Digital Stethoscope Can Spot Extra-Subtle Heart Murmurs

    This Digital Stethoscope Can Spot Extra-Subtle Heart Murmurs

    Physicians have been successfully diagnosing heart conditions using just their stethoscopes and ears for years now. But how many particularly subtle issues, like heart murmurs, have gone unnoticed? With the ViScope MD from HD Medical, hopefully none ever do. It adds audio filters, a visual readout and automatic murmur detection to a standard stethoscope to…

  • Electronic Triage Bracelets Prioritise Who Needs Immediate Care

    Electronic Triage Bracelets Prioritise Who Needs Immediate Care

    In a disaster situation, triage and rescue workers typically tag patients with a coloured paper bracelet that correlates to the severity of their injury. But a patient’s situation can change after being tagged, making it difficult to keep track of who needs what care. So researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute have developed a cheap electronic…

  • This Genius Wheelchair Turns Your Tongue Into A Joystick

    This Genius Wheelchair Turns Your Tongue Into A Joystick

    Getting around in a wheelchair is difficult enough, even when one still has use of their upper extremities. Quadriplegics face an exponentially more difficult challenge: controlling the wheelchair by sucking or blowing air through a straw. But this new powered wheelchair from the Georgia Institute of Technology will respond to a flick of the user’s…